My Marfan Experience - First Post

My uncle suggested a blog as the best way to locate other Filipinos with Marfan's Syndrome. Although I want to do this, my studies keep me pretty busy, and I was reluctant to commit to anything too time-consuming. But when he offered to help, I ran out of excuses!

My mom and I are the only two Pinoys I know who have Marfan's, but there are others. Marfan's can exhibit different symptoms in different people, and some of these symptoms will kill you if left untreated. At the very least, you can feel strange and lonely.

I hope this blog will attract others with Marfan's, so that we can support each other and share information about medical providers and treatment.

The next few blogs will tell a little about my own experiences as well as tell more about the syndrome and sources of information. PrecyPinoy


  1. Do you always suspect, if the person is skinny, he/she have Marfan Syndrome? Because after I review some of the physical characteristics of Marfan Patients it is always skinny and long fingers..

  2. Hello,
    My name is kim and i was looking for people who have the same disease like mine and I read your blog. i thought i was just the only one here in the philippines who has this disease. I wish we could communicate soon. ^^
    if you have read this visit my facebook account: Kim Maturiungan.

    I'll be waiting. ^^

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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